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Are you the kind of M·A·C enthusiast who will jump through almost any hoop — at any time — to be the first to snag the latest makeup collection? If so, here’s your opportunity to put your adoration of all things M·A·C to the test.

Mark your calendars, set a memo on your smart phones and post a virtual sticky on your laptops and tablets.

M·A·C Cosmetics will “exclusively preview its sultry and seductive Taste Temptation Collection” on November 23 from midnight until 4 a.m. at all Macy’s M·A·C Cosmetics counters.

The collection comes with plenty of dramatic mauves, lavenders and purples. It includes powder blush, eye shadows, Lipglass, mattene lipstick, nail lacquer and fluffy false eyelashes. Prices range from $15 to $40.

mac taste temptation

And here’s a bonus for getting up at such an ungodly hour after a day spent feasting on turkey and pie: As you go about your nocturnal shopping spree, you can have a M·A·C artist create a personal Taste Temptation makeup look. I don’t know about you, but, if I drag my carcass out of bed in the middle of the night, it’s going to be a Herculean task to get me looking human. Having a pro on hand with magical brushes and face paint is probably a good thing.

Be aware that after 4 a.m. on Black Friday, the collection will not be available again until December 13.         

Enjoy your pretties, but please don’t call me about your fab finds until long after the sun has popped up.